Siaqqinneq 1, 3905 Nuussuaq - stadig postboks 1188

Construction & buildings

An area which is known for having many special contracts and standard terms and conditions. Often there may be a need to reinforce the dialogue with either the client, the contractor or the other consultants and subcontractors in the project. There may also be a need for general legal advice on a task both before (tender), during (execution, daily fines) and after the task has been completed (aftermath, payments, review, etc.).
Det kan også være at der er brug for generel juridisk rådgivning om en opgave, såvel før (udbud), under (udførelse, dagbøder) og efter opgavens udførelse (efterspil, betalinger, gennemgang mv.).

We offer a broad and general assistance in connection with contracts, tenders, construction properties, etc.