Siaqqinneq 1, 3905 Nuussuaq - stadig postboks 1188

Personnel Administration

Personnel and employment law is an area with increasing legal requirements and complexity that puts great demands on the individual company as an employer. For many companies, employees are one of their strongest and most valuable resources, which has a significant impact on the company's operations and success, but can also be one of the most expensive elements in the accounts. Cadvi offers a wide range of service and support within HR and personnel administration. If you do not have an HR department yourself or you sometimes need an extra pair of hands or knowledge, we can assist with the vast majority of HR functions - either by yourself or through our skilled and competent partners.
Cadvi tilbyder en bred vifte af service og support inden for HR og personaleadministration. Har I ikke en HR-afdeling selv eller mangler I ind imellem ekstra hænder eller viden, så kan vi assistere med langt de fleste HR-funktioner – enten selv eller via vores dygtige og kompetente samarbejdspartnere.