Siaqqinneq 1, 3905 Nuussuaq - stadig postboks 1188


In the field of business law today, there are many specialized disciplines that put high demands on you and your company. It is not all companies that have the size or the opportunity to hire their own specialists to take care of these, often incredibly complex, tasks. Here Cadvi offer a long-term alliance with companies, within legal guidance, sparring and advice. We offer services that cover the area that is most often referred to as "back office", which includes all the practical and administrative things that are needed to run a business, but which are outside the company's core area. Assistance that will free up precious time for you and your company, so that you can focus on what you are good at - the business itself, the work and the customers. Let Cadvi focus on the other things.
Her tilbyder vi en langsigtet alliance med virksomheder, inden for juridisk vejledning, sparring og rådgivning. Vi tilbyder services, som dækker inden for det område, der oftest betegnes som ”backoffice”, som omfatter alle de praktiske og administrative ting, der skal til for at drive en virksomhed, men som lægger uden for virksomhedens kerneområde. Assistance der vil frigive dyrebar tid for dig og din virksomhed, til at I kan det fokusere på det I er gode til – selve forretningen, arbejdet og kunderne.
Lad Cadvi fokusere på de andre opgaver.